Monday, September 05, 2005

Katrina images

Isn't the mind a remarkable thing! About a week ago I had made a couple dozen images in the fractal generating programs, Vchira and Tierazon. They didn't seem to be anything remarkable although probably worth saving.

In going through some images I looked at these again and was struck by some of them which reminded me very strongly of what we have been seeing on the TV this past week.

These images are unchanged except for resizing and a bit of contrast enhancement afterwards.

If you can use a larger image of these in any way, please email me (Katrina images zip as the subject) and I will send them to you as a large zip file (PhotoShop .psd or .tif files.) Just make a donation to the Katrina charity of your choice. Better yet, make it somewhere that is matching funds...

I am posting the images below.

New Orleans

Hurricane Warnings!

The Big Easy

Category Four

Storm Surge


Oil Rig
